Category: News
28 July 2021
Acomo (Amsterdam Commodities N.V.), the Euronext Amsterdam-listed natural food ingredients company in spices and nuts, edible seeds, tea, food ingredients and organic ingredients, will appoint Kathy L. Fortmann (54, photo) as Chief Executive Officer(CEO) per 15 September 2021. As CEO of Acomo, she will report to the Acomo Board of Directors and will be responsible...
22 July 2021
Today, Acomo (Amsterdam Commodities N.V.), the Euronext Amsterdam-listed natural food ingredients company in spices and nuts, edible seeds, tea, food ingredients and organic ingredients, reports an increased EBITDA by +88% to €53.4 million for the first six months of 2021 versus prior year. The newly acquired Tradin Organic accounted for +62% of this increase, whilst...
28 April 2021
The Annual General Meeting of shareholders (AGM), held on 22 April 2021, adopted the 2020 financial statements. It also approved the appropriation of the results for the financial year 2020 taking into account the pay-out of an interim dividend € 0.40 per share in August 2020. The Board motivated the proposal not to pay out...
8 April 2021
Today, Amsterdam Commodities N.V. (Acomo), the Euronext Amsterdam-listed trader in spices and nuts, edible seeds, tea, food ingredients and organic ingredients announces that due to the current COVID-19 measures and constraints issued by the Dutch Government, including a ban on group gatherings, the upcoming Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGM), initially scheduled on 22 April...
11 March 2021
Today Acomo published its 2020 annual report, which includes full details on the company’s 2020 results. The 2020 annual report can be downloaded at A printed edition will be available in the coming weeks.
18 February 2021
Amsterdam Commodities N.V. (Acomo), the Euronext Amsterdam-listed trader in spices and nuts, edible seeds, tea, food ingredients and organic ingredients, achieved strong results in the fiscal year 2020. While the food ingredients sector overall has proven to be robust in the midst of the global pandemic, the business was impacted in various ways by COVID-19...
30 December 2020
Following the resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting, held as a webinar on 22 December 2020, the successful raise of financing, both debt and equity, and clearance from the competition authorities for the acquisition of SunOpta’s international organic ingredients business comprising The Organic Corporation B.V. and Tradin Organics USA LLC (together, Tradin), as announced on...
22 December 2020
Amsterdam Commodities N.V. (Euronext: Acomo), the Amsterdam-listed trader in food ingredients announces the resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting, held as a webinar on 22 December 2020, and formal approval of the various competition authorities received to date for the acquisition of SunOpta’s international organic ingredients business comprising The Organic Corporation B.V. and Tradin Organics...
1 December 2020
Amsterdam Commodities N.V. (Acomo), hierna de “Vennootschap” of “Acomo”, kondigt aan dat zij met succes de volgende aandelen heeft geplaatst: (i) 2.465.156 nieuwe gewone aandelen in de Vennootschap (de “Nieuwe Aandelen”), en (ii) 2.465.155 nieuwe gewone aandelen in de Vennootschap aan bepaalde deelnemers in het orderboek in de Aanbieding (zoals hieronder gedefinieerd) die zich vooraf...
1 December 2020
Amsterdam Commodities N.V. (Acomo), hierna de “Vennootschap” of “Acomo”, kondigt de lancering aan van een accelerated bookbuild offering tot ongeveer EUR 96 miljoen (de “Aanbieding”) bestaande uit (i) maximaal 2.465.156 nieuwe gewone aandelen in de Vennootschap (de “Nieuwe Aandelen”) (ii) maximaal 2.465.155 nieuwe gewone aandelen in de Vennootschap aan bepaalde deelnemers in het orderboek in...