Creating sustainable supply chains
To create value along the supply chain we work together with our partners.

Value creation for all stakeholders
The agricultural production industry employs millions of people around the world, many of whom are smallholder farmers. Working in the field provides a livelihood for them and their families. We believe that every industry has to create value for all of its stakeholders in order to remain sustainable in the future.

Ethical and legal standards
As a group we aim for high ethical and legal standards wherever we are present and we actively support good practices across the globe. Please also see our Code of Conduct.

Certified products
To create value along the supply chain we work with our partners to increase the volumes of certified products. In several of our segments we follow certification programmes such as Rainforest Alliance, UTZ, Fairtrade and Global Gap. It goes without saying that certification is only a tool and not a goal in itself. Therefore we will continue to look for other solutions that benefit the wellbeing of all involved as well.